The topics of the self advocacy meetings
- Uverejnené: 09. október 2012
- Prečítané: 4219x
The workshop named "The topics of the self advocacy meetings" will take a place in Budapest from 21. - 22. June 2012.
The participants of the workshop will be the professionals who work with self advocacy groups. The main goal of the workshop is to discuss the best practices and share the experiences with activities for these topics:
- Rights and duties in my country
- Relationships
- Responsibility
- Work
- Leisure time
These topics are the most popular ones among the self advocates. It will be very useful and interesting to share experiences among four countries. The outputs of the workshop will be later available online as a part of the methodology brochure. This will be the third workshop of the project "Moving forward - The self advocacy movement in V4 countries" supported by the International Visegrad Fund.