Self advocacy: The role of the assistant
- Uverejnené: 09. október 2012
- Prečítané: 3786x

The workshop named "Self advocacy: The role of the assistant" will take a place in Warsaw from 6. - 7. September 2012. The participants will be the professionals who work with self advocacy groups and self advocates.
The topics of the self advocacy meetings
- Uverejnené: 09. október 2012
- Prečítané: 4247x

The workshop named "The topics of the self advocacy meetings" will take a place in Budapest from 21. - 22. June 2012.
The Self Advocacy Models in V4 countries
- Uverejnené: 09. september 2012
- Prečítané: 3801x

The workshop named “The Self Advocacy Models in Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland” will take place in Bratislava on 16.-17. February 2012.
The development of the self advocate’s personality
- Uverejnené: 09. október 2012
- Prečítané: 3677x

The workshop named "The development of the self advocate’s personality" will take a place in Prague on 19.-20.4.2012.