O projekte

Projekt Dôstojný život – právo, nie privilégium bol  podporený sumou 104976,- EUR z Fondu pre mimovládne organizácie, ktorý je financovaný z Finančného mechanizmu EHP 2009 -2014. Správcom Fondu je Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti - Open Society Foundation.

Cieľom projektu zameraného na ľudské práva Dôstojný život – právo, nie privilégium je zvýšenie zapojenia MVO do tvorby politík a rozhodovacích procesov na miestnej, regionálnej a národnej úrovni.

Zámerom projektu je nadviazať na prácu ZPMP v SR z minulého obdobia (iniciovanie reformy opatrovníctva v SR).

V rámci projektu plánujeme:

Dignified Life - Right not Privilege

The aim of the project is to continue on our previous work (initiative on reform of tutorship in Slovakia). We will prepare the recommendations, that would help in the implementation phase of preparing legislation changes: proposal of procedural decrees on hearing on legal act capacity; proposal on legal regulation on tutorship (quality standards, control mechanisms, ethical code,...). We will prepare the manual on process of removing of legal act capacity which should be important tool for families, as well as the manual on theme of personal responsibility. We will include people with intellectual disabilities in the process of accepting the responsibility for their own lives through the selfadvocacy meetings. We will work out the model of lifelong complex comunity based care of people with intelectual disability. We will promote the changes together with the target groups - in accordance with the aim - to respect and to exercise the rights of people with intelellectual disabilities. The supportive activity for promoting the important changes will be the campaign I do not want but I have to..


eea grants